49. How to Make Your Own Pottery Clay

Oxford Clay Podcast

Episode 49: How to Make Your Own Pottery Clay

Did you know that clay is actually made from lots of different materials such as crushed rocks, ball clays and china clay?

Making your own clay can be a great option for Potters who want to know exactly what ingredients are going into their clay to minimise the environmental impact of their pottery. Making clay yourself can be cheaper than buying it commercially and you can save the time, effort and CO2 emissions of haulage to get (heavy!) wet clay to you.

In this episode, I talk you through the ingredients and process I use to make my own stoneware clay. Firstly by creating a casting slip, that I later reclaim back into clay for throwing!

Katherine Tomlinson

A Potter for over 25 years, Katherine is passionate about eco-conscious pottery materials and practices. She has created books and courses to help other Potters find the information they need. Listen to the Oxford Clay podcast for more pottery tips. You can contact Katherine here.


50. When Do You Need an FFP3 Face Mask in Pottery


48. 16 non-pottery things that are great to use in Pottery: Part 2