52. My Absolute Number One Pottery Tip

Oxford Clay Podcast

Episode 52: My Absolute Number One Pottery Tip

After years of practising pottery, I’ve distilled the absolute one thing every Potter needs to know: be kind to yourself!

Although being kind to yourself doesn’t seem like it has anything to do with making pottery! Self-kindness is actually something that superpowers your pottery learning journey and helps you cultivate a growth mindset.

Being kind to yourself is an absolute must for learning any new thing that requires a lot of patience and making ‘mistakes’ along the way - like pottery!

Katherine Tomlinson

A Potter for over 25 years, Katherine is passionate about eco-conscious pottery materials and practices. She has created books and courses to help other Potters find the information they need. Listen to the Oxford Clay podcast for more pottery tips. You can contact Katherine here.


53. 3 Ways to Make a Totally Unique Pottery Glaze


51. 5 Different Types of Mould Used in Pottery