How-to Guides

Free downloadable guides for tips, tricks and pottery crafting ideas

How to programme an electric Kiln for a bisque and stoneware glaze firing.


Making a flat rim or base

Pots need to have a flat base to ensure they don’t wobble. Use this method to ensure the bases of your pots are totally flat. You can also use this technique on the rims of pots to ensure they are even and level.

How to ‘pull’ a handle

Pulling a handle is a great way to make smooth and even shaped handles for mugs, cups and jugs. Follow this guide to learn how to pull your own beautiful handles.

How to attach a handle

Use this guide to learn how to attach handles to your pots so they wont crack and fall off.


Make a Heart Decoration

Make your own heart decoration to hang on the wall. Made from air-drying clay. Suitable for beginners who have never worked with air-drying clay before.

Three ideas for a winter bouquet

Learn about five easy to grow drought-tolerant plants that can be used for winter cut flowers and foliage. See how these can be made into three flower arrangements for winter in this guide.