Want to learn more about how to make eco-conscious pottery, but not sure where to start?
You’re in the right place!
Books for Eco-conscious Potters
Learn how to make stoneware pottery glazes from eco-conscious materials, colour your pottery in eco-friendly ways and even make a pottery glaze from fallen tree leaves!
These books take you through the simple step-by-step processes, recipes and techniques you need to make your pottery more eco-conscious and sustainable.
All books are suitable for Potters at any stage of pottery-making experience.
“I love the two books of yours I’ve got as they are very user friendly”
Mini-Courses for
Eco-conscious Potters
Learn Pottery techniques through these mini-courses delivered via video and PDF workbook.
Free Resources for Eco-conscious Potters
Free How to Make a Pottery Glaze Workbook
Want to learn how to make a pottery glaze but not sure where to start?
Learn how to make your own pottery glaze in 5 easy steps in the Free Workbook.
Suitable for beginners!
Free Electric Kiln Firing Schedule Workbook
Want to learn how to programme an electric kiln?
Learn the terms used in kiln firing schedules, and how to programme your own kiln!
Full bisque and stoneware glaze firing schedules are included.
Want to learn more about the pottery materials you’re using, but not sure where to start?
If you’re feeling overwhelmed I know the feeling!
When I began to make more eco-conscious choices in my life my pottery practice began to feel out of alignment. I had been going to pottery evening classes for years but I didn’t know anything about the materials I was using or even where they came from.
I decided to find out as much as I could, but it wasn’t easy!
I called pottery suppliers who told me that pottery materials are often internationally traded and mixed before being sold, making them impossible to trace. I spent hours reading books from the library, newspaper articles, organisational reports, and journal papers.
I experimented with many different pottery methods, techniques, recipes and ingredients. Many of which didn’t work, cracked my pots or looked awful, and at times I honestly felt like giving up!
Finally though, after many months, I knew enough to have developed an eco-conscious pottery practice where I could make what I wanted, knowing that it had minimal impact on humans, animals and the environment.
I don’t want you to go through the same long and difficult process, so that’s why I put everything I learned into these books and courses.
A guide to colouring ceramics with scrap metals, glass, plant ash and clay
Commercial metal oxides normally used to colour pottery are among the least environmentally friendly pottery materials. But what if it was possible to colour ceramics without using these? This book will show you how!
Learn four innovative eco-conscious ways of creating colour in ceramics by:
Recycling scrap copper wire into verdigris, and rusty iron into iron oxide.
Repurposing the colouring oxides in scrap glass.
Making pottery glazes from plant ashes containing naturally occurring metal oxides.
Using metal-rich clays to colour glazes.
Includes 80 pottery glaze recipes made with eco-conscious colourants.
Perfect for those new to pottery and experienced Potters who want to learn how to colour their ceramics more eco-consciously.
The book is in PDF format and is delivered via a digital download.