83. Choosing Your Thoughts To Best Support Your Pottery Making

Oxford Clay Podcast

Episode 83. Choosing Your Thoughts To Best Support Your Pottery Making

Some thoughts created by our brains, support us when making pottery, and some definitely less so! Join me for this episode where I talk about some thoughts I've had in pottery that haven’t supported my pottery such as, ‘I’ll never be good at pottery’, ‘I’ll never be as good as them’ (in an evening class setting) and ‘I don't like my finished pot’!

I talk about some alternative thoughts you can replace these with to truly support yourself in your pottery-making and make your mind a safer and kinder space to learn.

Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube

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Katherine Tomlinson

A Potter for over 25 years, Katherine is passionate about eco-conscious pottery materials and practices. She has created books and courses to help other Potters find the information they need. Listen to the Oxford Clay podcast for more pottery tips. You can contact Katherine here.


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82. How To Write a Pottery Book (Or Any Book!)