78. Four New Years Resolutions in Pottery⭐

Oxford Clay Podcast

Episode 78. Four New Years Resolutions in Pottery⭐

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! ⭐

In this episode, I tell you about my four New Year’s resolutions in pottery.

*Talking to myself kindly about my pottery, especially when things go wrong - an inevitable part of the pottery-making process! Creating a kind, safe space in my own thoughts to make mistakes.

*Prioritise experimentation and playing in pottery.

*Creating a joy list of things I really enjoy doing in pottery (one of them is this podcast!) and only doing those things.

*To stop rushing through making pottery and instead savour the process of creation.

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Katherine Tomlinson

A Potter for over 25 years, Katherine is passionate about eco-conscious pottery materials and practices. She has created books and courses to help other Potters find the information they need. Listen to the Oxford Clay podcast for more pottery tips. You can contact Katherine here.


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